Improving penile implants
Challenge: Penile implants can be an effective solution for men with severe erectile disorder when other treatments fail.
However, current inflatable penile implants require a patient's manual exertion, focus and time just before and after intercourse to pump up and deflate the device taking away from the spontaneity of a natural erection.
Solution: Our prototype allows a patient to pump up their device up to 4 hours before sex and then, during sexual activity, have an automatic erection and easy deflation at the touch of a button, providing for a more "natural experience".
Logistics: 6 months, 3 people, sponsorship by DHMC urologist and Coloplast (developer of penile implants)
My Role: Define problem statement by identifying need and space for innovation; design testing protocol to compare state of the art and our design; prototype development and testing; producing videos, diagrams, storyboards to communicate with groups of varying technical; ensuring quality of written reports and presentations
Lessons Learned: Introduction into medical device industry and fluid mechanics; designing thorough and meaningful testing procedures; quantifying design specifications; creative rapid prototyping techniques; technical writing; project management
Understanding the state of Art
Schematic of three-piece inflatable penile implant
Current 3-piece inflatable penile implants consist of a reservoir, pump and cylinders that are place in the abdomen, scrotum and penis shaft respectively.
To cause an erection the patient squeezes the pump 10-15 times to draw fluid from the reservoir into the cylinders until they are around 15 psi.
To deflate the cylinders and return the penis to the flaccid state, the patient holds down the deflation button to deactivate the check valves and presses down on the cylinders to return the fluid to the reservoir.
Conceptual Design
Schematic of conceptual design
Our prototype makes use of two reservoirs, two channels for inflation and deflation, a toggle button and pump.
Up to 4 hours before sex, the patient can move fluid from the liquid reservoir into a pressurized reservoir at around 30 psi.
Right before sex, the patient presses the toggle button opening the inflation channel, fluid rushes into the cylinders causing an automatic erection. Check valves and the toggle button ensures the fluid remains in the cylinders.
To deflate, the patient presses the same button, which opens the deflation channel and closes the inflation channel. Fluid in the cylinder now returns to the non-pressurized reservoir, where it remains till the patient anticipates they will have sex again.
Works-like protoype
Solid works model of conceptual design
Understanding the advantage of a pressurized reservoir
Pumping a pump in your scrotum might take away from the spontaneity of a natural erection, reminding the patient that they need a device to have an erection.
But Now...
Patients can pump up their device before hand and get in the mood. And when they are ready have a natural-like erection.
Design Process
Our design process involved testing and analyzing numerous alternatives, aiming to understand our patients' need and where we had room to innovate.
Summary of design approach in the Fall term
Summary of design approach in the Winter term